
Get MUFFIN via conda/mamba (we highly recommend you to start from a fresh environment) :

# Change ENV_NAME to the name of your choice, and add OTHER_PACKAGES if needed
conda install -c conda-forge mamba
mamba create -n ENV_NAME -c pdelangen13 -c bioconda -c conda-forge muffin OTHER_PACKAGES
conda activate ENV_NAME

Install optional R dependencies

R dependencies of MUFFIN are optional, but are required for read counting (muffin.load.dataset_from_bam), scran normalization and DESeq2 differential expression. To install these on UNIX systems, you can directly use conda :

conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda rpy2 bioconductor-scran bioconductor-deseq2 bioconductor-apeglm bioconductor-rsubread

On windows, you will need to install R and rpy2 via conda, then manually install R dependencies within R (good luck).

conda install -c conda-forge rpy2 r-base
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Loading your data

MUFFIN offers two methods to load in your data : via BAM files and genomic regions (in bed, SAF or GTF format) or manually via python arrays. Note that MUFFIN only accepts raw, non-normalized counts. Datasets are stored in the AnnData format. For more information on how it works, see the AnnData documentation . Additionnally, it should be compatible with Scanpy data loading methods if you convert the count tables to dense arrays. We recommend you to perform a few annData and Scanpy tutorials if you are not familiar with these before using Muffin.

This is the most complicated part if your dataset is not in an usual format.

import muffin
# Load from a python array (see the API ref for all details)
dataset = muffin.load.dataset_from_arrays(array, row_names=sample_names,

# Using one of Scanpy's loader
import scanpy as sc
dataset = sc.read_10x_mtx(path)
dataset.X = dataset.X.astype(np.int32).toarray()

# With BAM files. bam_files are a list of paths.
# You can use either genomic_regions_path or genomic_regions to specify which regions to sample the signal from.
# The former is a path to the genome annotation (in BED, SAF or GTF format)
# while the latter is already stored in a pandas dataframe.
dataset = muffin.load.dataset_from_bam(bam_files, genomic_regions_path=path)

# With BAM files and Input BAM file.
# Here chromSizes is mandatory and is a dictionnary of the form {"chr1":size, "chr2":size}
dataset = muffin.load.dataset_from_bam(bam_files, genomic_regions=regions,

You can correct for unwanted sources of variations by inputing a design matrix. If you do not want to correct for confounding factors, just keep a column vector of ones as in the example. See the scATAC-seq example for details on how to supply a covariate to regress out (in that case, the fraction of reads in peaks).

muffin.load.set_design_matrix(dataset, np.ones(len(dataset)))

Setting normalization factors

Depending on your dataset, you should use a different type of normalization.

# Recommended with deep sequencing, method="deseq")
# Recommended with small counts and large number of samples, method="scran")
# Recommended with small counts and small number of samples
# This is the default as it works with most datasets, method="top_fpkm")
# Datasets with input

Alternatively, you can provide your own normalization factors.

# Per observation normalization vector
muffin.load.set_size_factors(dataset, your_size_factors)
# Per observation, per variable normalization matrix
muffin.load.set_normalization_factors(dataset, your_normalization_factors)

Removing unused variables

It is a MANDATORY step to remove all-zeroes variables that do not carry any signal. By default Muffin removes variables that do not have at least 1 count in at least 3 experiments.

nonzero =
dataset = dataset[:, nonzero]

Count Modelling and transformation

At the core of muffin is its count modelling method based on a Negative Binomial (NB) model. This step transforms counts to residuals of a regularized NB model. You can think of this as something similar to a z-score of logCPM values, but more robust and flexible. However residuals give more weight to sufficiently expressed variables and to those with large variability. The results are stored in dataset.layers[“residuals”] .

Feature Selection

This is a facultative step that helps to remove variables with low expression or low variability across samples, which are carrying not a lot of information. This can speed up computations as well. Do not erase the original dataset as it can still be used when performing Differential Expression ! Our UMAP and PCA functions allow to select only a subset of the features (see next paragraph).

# Conservative approach (recommended)
selected =
# For dataset with input sequencing we provide a tool to remove variables with low fold change over input
peaks =

Dimensionnality reduction

We use provide a UMAP wrapper, and implement PCA with optimal number of component selection using Parallel Analysis (or jackstraw). By default PCA will be run on residuals, and UMAP on the PCA representation. Depending on your dataset, we recommend different approaches: - With a dataset with a large number of observations, perform PCA then UMAP - If there is not a lot of observations, perform either only PCA or UMAP As in Scanpy, these representations are stored in .obsm[“X_pca”] and .obsm[“X_umap”]

# PCA. We provide the selected features computed previously in order to not erase the dataset !, feature_mask=selected, max_rank=100, plot=True)
# UMAP, umap_params={"min_dist":0.5, "n_neighbors":30})
# UMAP, directly on residuals, on="features", which="residuals", feature_mask=selected,
                          umap_params={"min_dist":0.5, "n_neighbors":30, "metric":"correlation"})

Downstream analyses


This is a crucial step of most scRNA-seq pipelines. We implement a custom graph clustering method, but you can also use the one from Scanpy.

Differential expression

We provide a wrapper to DESeq2 to perform a two-categories differential expression. Note that we pass the design matrix supplied in muffin.load.set_design_matrix to DESeq2, as well as the scale/normalization factors. Results will be stored in dataset.varm[“DE_results”], and for compatibility with scanpy visualization tools, in dataset.uns[“rank_genes_groups”].

# Here, category is a column name in dataset.obsm .
# ref_category is the reference category from which log fold changes will be computed.
# If more than two uniques value are present in the column, an error will be raised !, category, ref_category)

In the case of multi-category differential expression, we recommend using Scanpy’s logistic regression function :

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# Scale to unit variance to have comparable coefficients as well as better convergence
dataset.layers["scaled"] = StandardScaler().fit_transform(dataset.layers["residuals"]), 'Subtype', use_raw=False, layer="scaled",
                        method='logreg', class_weight="balanced")
# Ugly hack to solve an issue with scanpy logreg that does not output all fields for its visualization tools
dataset.uns["rank_genes_groups"]["logfoldchanges"] = dataset.uns["rank_genes_groups"]["scores"]
dataset.uns["rank_genes_groups"]["pvals"] = dataset.uns["rank_genes_groups"]["scores"]
dataset.uns["rank_genes_groups"]["pvals_adj"] = dataset.uns["rank_genes_groups"]["scores"]

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of genomic regions

If you are working with genomic regions instead of genes, we provide tools to link your genomic regions to genes and functional annotations. This is particularly important for assays such as ATAC-seq or ChIP-seq. Our method supposes that your regions of interest are a subset of background regions (for example, all regions considered for DE testing and DE regions). We recommend you to check the ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq examples for more details.

# Initialize the GSEA object
# A gmt file is in the format :
# term_id1 \t term_name1 \t gene1 \t gene2...\n
# term_id2 \t term_name2 \t gene1 \t gene2...\n
gsea_obj = muffin.grea.pyGREAT(geneset_gmt_file, gtf_file, chromSizes_file)
# Link to genes
dataset.var_names = gsea_obj.label_by_nearest_gene(dataset.var[["Chromosome","Start","End"]]).astype(str)
# Assume we performed differential expression and want to see the affected gene sets.
# Retrieve DE regions
DE_indexes = (dataset.varm["DE_results"]["padj"] < 0.05) & (np.abs(dataset.varm["DE_results"]["log2FoldChange"]) > 1.0)
all_regions = dataset.var[["Chromosome", "Start", "End"]]
query = all_regions[DE_indexes]
# Perform GREA (Genomic Region Enrichment Analysis)
gsea_results = gsea_obj.find_enriched(query, all_regions, cores=16)
# Visualize clustered enrichments

Interfacing with the Scanpy ecosystem

Outputs of MUFFIN are stored in the AnnData format, and mimics the data slots that Scanpy uses internally for the functions it replaces, which makes the use of Scanpy functions seamless. If you want to visualize the expression levels across different conditions or clusters, residuals are stored in the .layers[“residuals”] data slot.