Source code for muffin.great

Genomic Regions Enrichment Analysis
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
import pyranges as pr
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from joblib.externals.loky import get_reusable_executor
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import fdrcorrection
from scipy.sparse import csr_array
import warnings
import muffin
from .utils import cluster, common, overlap_utils, stats

    maxCores = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
except AttributeError:
    import multiprocessing
    maxCores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

class regLogicGREAT:
    :meta private:
    def __init__(self, upstream, downstream, distal):
        self.upstream = upstream
        self.downstream = downstream
        self.distal = distal

    def __call__(self, txDF, chrInfo):
        # Infered regulatory domain logic
        copyTx = txDF.copy()
        copyTx["Start"] = (txDF["Start"] - self.upstream).where(txDF["Strand"] == "+", 
                                    txDF["End"] - self.downstream)
        copyTx["End"] = (txDF["Start"] + self.downstream).where(txDF["Strand"] == "+", 
                                    txDF["End"] + self.upstream)
        copyTx.sort_values(["Chromosome", "Start"], inplace=True)
        gb = copyTx.groupby("Chromosome")
        copyTx["Chromosome"] = copyTx["Chromosome"]
        perChr = dict([(x,gb.get_group(x)) for x in gb.groups])
        for c in perChr:
            inIdx = copyTx["Chromosome"] == c
            nextReg = np.roll(copyTx["Start"][inIdx], -1)
                nextReg[-1] = chrInfo.loc[c].values[0]
                print(f"Warning: chromosome '{c}' in gtf but not in size file, skipping all genes within this chromosome.")
                copyTx = copyTx[np.logical_not(inIdx)]
            previousReg = np.roll(copyTx["End"][inIdx], 1)
            previousReg[0] = 0
            extMin = np.maximum(copyTx["Start"][inIdx] - self.distal, previousReg)
            extMax = np.minimum(copyTx["End"][inIdx] + self.distal, nextReg)
            extMin = np.minimum(copyTx["Start"][inIdx], extMin)
            extMax = np.maximum(copyTx["End"][inIdx], extMax)
            copyTx.loc[copyTx["Chromosome"] == c, "Start"] = np.clip(extMin, 0, chrInfo.loc[c].values[0])
            copyTx.loc[copyTx["Chromosome"] == c, "End"] = np.clip(extMax, 0, chrInfo.loc[c].values[0])
        return copyTx

[docs] class pyGREAT: """ Genomic regions GSEA tool. Parameters ---------- geneFile : str Path to a GTF file. chrFile : str Path to a chrInfo file. (chrom-tab-Chrom size-line return) gmtFile : str or list of str, optional Path to gmt file or list of paths to gmt files that will get concatenated. regulatory_bed : str, optional Path to a bed file of the form "chr start end gene", that will override muffin's default regulatory domains. distal : int, optional Size of inferred distal regulatory regions, by default 1000000 upstream : int, optional Size of inferred upstream regulatory regions, by default 5000 downstream : int, optional Size of inferred downstream regulatory regions, by default 1000 gtfGeneCol : str, optional Name of the gene name/id column in the GTF file, by default "gene_name" gene_biotype : str, optional Type of gene to keep e.g. "protein_coding", by default "all" """ def __init__(self, geneFile, chrFile, gmtFile=None, regulatory_bed=None, distal=1000000, upstream=5000, downstream=1000, gtfGeneCol = "gene_name", gene_biotype="all"): self.chrInfo = pd.read_csv(chrFile, sep="\t", index_col=0, header=None) self.gtfGeneCol = gtfGeneCol # Read gtf file self.transcripts = pr.read_gtf(geneFile, as_df=True) self.transcripts = self.transcripts[self.transcripts["Feature"] == "gene"] if not gene_biotype == "all": self.transcripts = self.transcripts[self.transcripts["gene_type"] == gene_biotype] self.transcripts = self.transcripts[["Chromosome", "Start", "End", self.gtfGeneCol, "Strand"]] tss = self.transcripts["Start"].where(self.transcripts["Strand"] == "+", self.transcripts["End"]) self.TSSs = self.transcripts.copy() self.TSSs["Start"] = tss self.TSSs["End"] = tss+1 # Apply infered regulatory logic if regulatory_bed is None: self.distal = distal self.upstream = upstream self.downstream = downstream self.geneRegulatory = regLogicGREAT(upstream, downstream, distal)(self.transcripts, self.chrInfo) self.geneRegulatory.drop("Strand", axis=1, inplace=True) else: self.geneRegulatory = pd.read_csv(regulatory_bed, header=None, sep="\t", usecols=[0,1,2,3]) self.geneRegulatory.columns = ["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "gene_name"] self.geneRegulatory.index = self.geneRegulatory["gene_name"] self.geneRegulatory = self.geneRegulatory[~self.geneRegulatory.index.duplicated(False)] self.validGenes = self.geneRegulatory["gene_name"] self.geneRegulatory = self.geneRegulatory.loc[self.validGenes] # Parse GMT file Setup gene-GO matrix if gmtFile is not None: if type(gmtFile) is str: gmtFile = [gmtFile] self.all_associations = list() self.goMap = dict() self.allGenes = set() for gmtF in gmtFile: with open(gmtF) as f: for l in f: vals = l.rstrip("\n").split("\t") for g in vals[2:]: self.all_associations.append((vals[0], g)) self.allGenes |= set(vals[2:]) self.goMap[vals[0]] = vals[1] # Transform gene set - gene associations to a sparse binary matrix (for # clustering and glm) self.allGenes = list(self.allGenes) self.allTerms = list(self.goMap.keys()) self.invGoMat = {v: k for k, v in self.goMap.items()} goFa, gos = pd.factorize(np.array(self.all_associations)[:,0]) geneFa, genes = pd.factorize(np.array(self.all_associations)[:,1]) non_annotated_genes = np.setdiff1d(self.validGenes.values, genes) genes = np.concatenate([genes, non_annotated_genes]) data = np.ones_like(goFa, dtype="bool") self.mat = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(csr_array((data, (geneFa, goFa)), shape=(len(genes), len(gos))).T, columns=genes, index=gos)
[docs] def get_nearest_gene(self, query, max_dist=np.inf): """ Get the nearest TSS for each row. If it can't be retrieved will be named "None" (str). Parameters ---------- query : pandas Dataframe or PyRanges Set of genomic regions. max_dist : integer or float Maximum distance for association, default np.inf """ if not isinstance(query, pd.DataFrame): query = query.as_df() gr = query.copy() gr["Names"] = np.arange(len(gr)) gr = pr.PyRanges(gr[["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Names"]]) gr2 = pr.PyRanges(self.TSSs[["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "gene_name"]]) r = gr.nearest(gr2, strandedness=False) chroms_missing = set(gr.chromosomes).difference(gr2.chromosomes) if len(chroms_missing) > 0: missing_gr = pr.concat([gr[c] for c in chroms_missing]).as_df() missing_gr["gene_name"] = "None" missing_gr = pr.PyRanges(missing_gr) results = pr.concat([r, missing_gr], strand=False).as_df() else: results = r.as_df() results.index=results["Names"] results = results.loc[np.arange(len(gr))] results["gene_name"].where(results["Distance"] < max_dist, "None", inplace=True) return results
[docs] def label_by_nearest_gene(self, query): """ Label each row by its nearest gene TSS, avoiding duplicates. E.g. NADK_1, MYC_1, MYC_2, None_1, None_2 Parameters ---------- query : pandas Dataframe or PyRanges Set of genomic regions. Returns ------- labels: ndarray Each corresponding label. """ names = self.get_nearest_gene(query, max_dist=self.distal) groups = names.groupby('gene_name') # add a count for each duplicate value within each group names['count'] = groups.cumcount() + 1 # create new column with unique names for each duplicate value names['col1_new'] = names['gene_name'] + '__' + names['count'].astype(str) # drop the count column and the original column with duplicate values names = names.drop(['gene_name', 'count'], axis=1) return names["col1_new"].values
[docs] def find_enriched_genes(self, query, background=None): """ Find enriched terms in genes near query. Parameters ---------- query: pandas dataframe in bed-like format or PyRanges Set of genomic regions to compute enrichment on. background: None, pandas dataframe in bed-like format, or PyRanges (default: None) If set to None considers the whole genome as the possible locations of the query. Otherwise it supposes the query is a subset of these background regions. Returns ------- results: pandas dataframe """ from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr rs = importr("stats") regPR = pr.PyRanges(self.geneRegulatory.rename({self.gtfGeneCol:"Name"}, axis=1)) refCounts = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(background, useSummit=False)) allCats = np.array(list(refCounts.keys())) pvals = np.zeros(len(allCats)) fc = np.zeros(len(allCats)) M = len(background) # Then for the query obsCounts = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(query, useSummit=False)) N = len(query) # Find hypergeometric enrichment k = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(allCats), dtype="int"), allCats) isFound = np.isin(allCats, obsCounts.index, assume_unique=True) k[allCats[isFound]] = obsCounts n = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(allCats), dtype="int"), allCats) n[allCats] = refCounts # Scipy hyper pvals = np.array(rs.phyper(k.values-1,n.values,M-n.values,N, lower_tail=False)) pvals = np.nan_to_num(pvals, nan=1.0) fc = (k/np.maximum(N, 1e-7))/np.maximum(n/np.maximum(M, 1e-7), 1e-7) qvals = fdrcorrection(pvals)[1] pvals = pd.Series(pvals) pvals.index = allCats qvals = pd.Series(qvals) qvals.index = allCats fc = pd.Series(fc) fc.index = allCats geneEnriched = pvals, fc, qvals, k, n geneEnriched = pd.DataFrame(geneEnriched, index=["P-value", "FC", "FDR", "Query hits", "Background hits"]).T return geneEnriched.sort_values("P-value")
[docs] def find_genes_for_geneset(self, term, enrichedGeneTab, alpha=0.05): """ Find genes enriched for a particular geneset Parameters ---------- term : str Name of the GSEA term. enrichedGeneTab : pandas dataframe Results of findEnrichedGenes. alpha : float, optional Adjusted P-value threshold, by default 0.05 Returns ------- Enriched: pandas Dataframe Enriched genes """ sigGenes = enrichedGeneTab[enrichedGeneTab["FDR"] < alpha].index genesInTerm = self.mat.columns[self.mat.loc[term] > 0.5] enrichedInTerm = sigGenes.intersection(genesInTerm) return enrichedGeneTab.loc[enrichedInTerm]
[docs] def find_enriched(self, query, background=None, min_genes=3, max_genes=1000, cores=-1): """ Find enriched terms in genes near query. Parameters ---------- query: pandas dataframe in bed-like format or PyRanges Set of genomic regions to compute enrichment on. If a pandas dataframe, assume the first three columns are chromosome, start, end. background: None, pandas dataframe in bed-like format, or PyRanges (default: None) If set to None considers the whole genome as the possible, equiprobable locations of the query. Otherwise it supposes the query is a subset of these background regions. (Note that it does not explicitly check for it). min_genes: int, (default 3) Minimum number of intersected genes for a geneset. max_genes: int, (default 1000) Maximum number of genes for a geneset. cores: int, (default -1) Max number of cores to used for parallelized computations. Default uses all available cores (-1). Returns ------- results: pandas dataframe """ # First compute intersections count for each gene And expected # intersection count for each gene regPR = pr.PyRanges(self.geneRegulatory.rename({self.gtfGeneCol:"Name"}, axis=1)) if background is not None: intersectBg = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(background, useSummit=False)) else: genomeSize = np.sum(self.chrInfo).values[0] intersectBg = (self.geneRegulatory["End"]-self.geneRegulatory["Start"])/genomeSize intersectBg = np.maximum(intersectBg, 1/genomeSize) intersectBg.index = self.geneRegulatory["gene_name"] intersectBg = intersectBg.groupby(intersectBg.index).sum() intersectQuery = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(query, useSummit=False)) queryCounts = intersectBg.copy() * 0 queryCounts.loc[intersectQuery.index] = intersectQuery obsMatrix = self.mat.loc[:, queryCounts.index] if background is not None: expected = intersectBg.loc[obsMatrix.columns] observed = pd.DataFrame(queryCounts.loc[queryCounts.index]) endog = observed.copy() expected *= len(query)/len(background) else: expected = intersectBg.loc[obsMatrix.columns]*len(query) observed = pd.DataFrame(queryCounts.loc[queryCounts.index]) endog = observed.copy() # Trim GOs under cutoffs trimmed = obsMatrix.loc[:, intersectQuery.index].values.sum(axis=1) >= min_genes trimmed = trimmed & (obsMatrix.values.sum(axis=1) <= max_genes) # Setup parallel computation settings if cores == -1: cores = maxCores # I don't think i'm doing anything wrong but pandas spams warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) maxBatch = len(obsMatrix.loc[trimmed]) maxBatch = min(int(0.25*maxBatch/cores)+1,256) hitsPerGO = np.sum(csr_array(obsMatrix.sparse.to_coo()) * observed.values.ravel(), axis=1)[trimmed] # Fit a Negative Binomial GLM for each annotation, and evaluate wald # test p-value for each gene annotation with Parallel(n_jobs=cores, batch_size=maxBatch, verbose=1, max_nbytes=None, mmap_mode=None) as pool: results = pool(delayed(stats.fitNBinomModel)(hasAnnot, endog, expected, gos, queryCounts.index) for gos, hasAnnot in obsMatrix[trimmed].iterrows()) warnings.resetwarnings() # Manually kill workers afterwards or they'll just stack up with # multiple runs get_reusable_executor().shutdown(wait=False, kill_workers=True) # Format results results = pd.DataFrame(results) if results.shape[1] > 0: results.set_index(0, inplace=True) results.columns = ["P(Beta > 0)", "Beta"] else : results = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=["P(Beta > 0)", "Beta"]) results["Total hits"] = hitsPerGO results.dropna(inplace=True) results["P(Beta > 0)"] = np.maximum(results["P(Beta > 0)"], 1e-320) qvals = results["P(Beta > 0)"].copy() qvals.loc[:] = fdrcorrection(qvals.values)[1] results["BH corrected p-value"] = qvals results["-log10(qval)"] = -np.log10(qvals) results["-log10(pval)"] = -np.log10(results["P(Beta > 0)"]) results["FC"] = np.exp(results["Beta"]) results["Name"] = [self.goMap[i] for i in results.index] results.sort_values(by="P(Beta > 0)", inplace=True) return results
def __poisson_glm__(self, query, background=None, min_genes=3, max_genes=1000, cores=-1, yes_really=False): """ :meta private: DO NOT USE """ if not yes_really: raise PermissionError("Do not use this") # First compute intersections count for each gene And expected # intersection count for each gene regPR = pr.PyRanges(self.geneRegulatory.rename({self.gtfGeneCol:"Name"}, axis=1)) if background is not None: intersectBg = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(background, useSummit=False)) else: genomeSize = np.sum(self.chrInfo).values[0] intersectBg = (self.geneRegulatory["End"]-self.geneRegulatory["Start"])/genomeSize intersectBg = np.maximum(intersectBg, 1/genomeSize) intersectBg.index = self.geneRegulatory["gene_name"] intersectBg = intersectBg.groupby(intersectBg.index).sum() intersectQuery = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(query, useSummit=False)) queryCounts = intersectBg.copy() * 0 queryCounts.loc[intersectQuery.index] = intersectQuery obsMatrix = self.mat.loc[:, queryCounts.index] if background is not None: expected = intersectBg.loc[obsMatrix.columns] observed = pd.DataFrame(queryCounts.loc[queryCounts.index]) endog = observed.copy() expected *= len(query)/len(background) else: expected = intersectBg.loc[obsMatrix.columns]*len(query) observed = pd.DataFrame(queryCounts.loc[queryCounts.index]) endog = observed.copy() # Trim GOs under cutoffs trimmed = obsMatrix.loc[:, intersectQuery.index].values.sum(axis=1) >= min_genes trimmed = trimmed & (obsMatrix.values.sum(axis=1) <= max_genes) # Setup parallel computation settings if cores == -1: cores = maxCores # I don't think i'm doing anything wrong but pandas spams warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) maxBatch = len(obsMatrix.loc[trimmed]) maxBatch = min(int(0.25*maxBatch/cores)+1,256) hitsPerGO = np.sum(csr_array(obsMatrix.sparse.to_coo()) * observed.values.ravel(), axis=1)[trimmed] # Fit a Negative Binomial GLM for each annotation, and evaluate wald # test p-value for each gene annotation with Parallel(n_jobs=cores, batch_size=maxBatch, verbose=1, max_nbytes=None, mmap_mode=None) as pool: results = pool(delayed(stats.fitPoissonModel)(hasAnnot, endog, expected, gos, queryCounts.index) for gos, hasAnnot in obsMatrix[trimmed].iterrows()) warnings.resetwarnings() # Manually kill workers afterwards or they'll just stack up with # multiple runs get_reusable_executor().shutdown(wait=False, kill_workers=True) # Format results results = pd.DataFrame(results) if results.shape[1] > 0: results.set_index(0, inplace=True) results.columns = ["P(Beta > 0)", "Beta"] else : results = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=["P(Beta > 0)", "Beta"]) results["Total hits"] = hitsPerGO results.dropna(inplace=True) results["P(Beta > 0)"] = np.maximum(results["P(Beta > 0)"], 1e-320) qvals = results["P(Beta > 0)"].copy() qvals.loc[:] = fdrcorrection(qvals.values)[1] results["BH corrected p-value"] = qvals results["-log10(qval)"] = -np.log10(qvals) results["-log10(pval)"] = -np.log10(results["P(Beta > 0)"]) results["FC"] = np.exp(results["Beta"]) results["Name"] = [self.goMap[i] for i in results.index] results.sort_values(by="P(Beta > 0)", inplace=True) return results def __binomial_glm__(self, query, background=None, min_genes=3, max_genes=1000, cores=-1, yes_really=False): """ :meta private: DO NOT USE """ if not yes_really: raise PermissionError("Do not use this") # First compute intersections count for each gene And expected # intersection count for each gene regPR = pr.PyRanges(self.geneRegulatory.rename({self.gtfGeneCol:"Name"}, axis=1)) if background is not None: intersectBg = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(background, useSummit=False)) else: raise KeyError("Nope") genomeSize = np.sum(self.chrInfo).values[0] intersectBg = (self.geneRegulatory["End"]-self.geneRegulatory["Start"])/genomeSize intersectBg = np.maximum(intersectBg, 1/genomeSize) intersectBg.index = self.geneRegulatory["gene_name"] intersectBg = intersectBg.groupby(intersectBg.index).sum() intersectQuery = overlap_utils.countOverlapPerCategory(regPR, overlap_utils.dfToPrWorkaround(query, useSummit=False)) queryCounts = intersectBg.copy() * 0 queryCounts.loc[intersectQuery.index] = intersectQuery obsMatrix = self.mat.loc[:, queryCounts.index] if background is not None: expected = intersectBg.loc[obsMatrix.columns] observed = pd.DataFrame(queryCounts.loc[queryCounts.index]) endog = observed.copy() # expected *= len(query)/len(background) else: expected = intersectBg.loc[obsMatrix.columns]*len(query) observed = pd.DataFrame(queryCounts.loc[queryCounts.index]) endog = observed.copy() # Trim GOs under cutoffs trimmed = obsMatrix.loc[:, intersectQuery.index].values.sum(axis=1) >= min_genes trimmed = trimmed & (obsMatrix.values.sum(axis=1) <= max_genes) # Setup parallel computation settings if cores == -1: cores = maxCores # I don't think i'm doing anything wrong but pandas spams warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) maxBatch = len(obsMatrix.loc[trimmed]) maxBatch = min(int(0.25*maxBatch/cores)+1,256) hitsPerGO = np.sum(csr_array(obsMatrix.sparse.to_coo()) * observed.values.ravel(), axis=1)[trimmed] print(observed) # Fit a Negative Binomial GLM for each annotation, and evaluate wald # test p-value for each gene annotation with Parallel(n_jobs=cores, batch_size=maxBatch, verbose=1, max_nbytes=None, mmap_mode=None) as pool: results = pool(delayed(stats.fitBinomialModel)(hasAnnot, endog, expected, gos, queryCounts.index) for gos, hasAnnot in obsMatrix[trimmed].iterrows()) warnings.resetwarnings() # Manually kill workers afterwards or they'll just stack up with # multiple runs get_reusable_executor().shutdown(wait=False, kill_workers=True) # Format results results = pd.DataFrame(results) if results.shape[1] > 0: results.set_index(0, inplace=True) results.columns = ["P(Beta > 0)", "Beta"] else : results = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=["P(Beta > 0)", "Beta"]) results["Total hits"] = hitsPerGO results.dropna(inplace=True) results["P(Beta > 0)"] = np.maximum(results["P(Beta > 0)"], 1e-320) qvals = results["P(Beta > 0)"].copy() qvals.loc[:] = fdrcorrection(qvals.values)[1] results["BH corrected p-value"] = qvals results["-log10(qval)"] = -np.log10(qvals) results["-log10(pval)"] = -np.log10(results["P(Beta > 0)"]) results["FC"] = np.exp(results["Beta"]) results["Name"] = [self.goMap[i] for i in results.index] results.sort_values(by="P(Beta > 0)", inplace=True) return results
[docs] def barplot_enrich(self, enrichDF, title="", by="P(Beta > 0)", alpha=0.05, topK=10, savePath=None): """ Draw Enrichment barplots Parameters ---------- enrichDF: pandas dataframe or tuple of pandas dataframes The result of the findEnriched method. savePath: string (optional) If set to None, does not save the figure. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() newDF = enrichDF.copy() newDF.index = [self.goMap[i].capitalize() for i in newDF.index] selected = (newDF["BH corrected p-value"] < alpha) ordered = -np.log10(newDF[by][selected]).sort_values(ascending=True)[:topK] terms = ordered.index t = [common.capTxtLen(term, 50) for term in terms] ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=8) ax.tick_params(length=3, width=1.2) ax.barh(range(len(terms)), np.minimum(ordered[::-1],324.0)) ax.set_yticks(range(len(terms))) ax.set_yticklabels(t[::-1], fontsize=5) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_xlabel("-log10(Corrected P-value)", fontsize=8) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=10) ax.grid(False) return fig, ax
[docs] def cluster_treemap(self, enrichDF, alpha=0.05, score="-log10(qval)", metric="yule", resolution=1.0, output=None, topK=9): """ Plot a treemap of clustered gene set terms. Clustering is done according to similarities between annotated genes of a gene set. Parameters ---------- enrichDF : dataframe Output of "findEnriched" method. alpha : float, optional FDR cutoff, by default 0.05 score : str, optional Which column of the result dataframe to use to identify lead term, by default "-log10(qval)" metric : str, optional Similarity measure of gene annotation between terms, by default "yule" resolution : float, optional Influences the size of the clusters (larger = more clusters), by default 1.0 output : str or None, optional Path to save figure, by default None topK : int or None, optional Number of terms to display, if set to None displays all, by default 9 Returns ------- filtered: pandas dataframe """ sig = enrichDF[enrichDF["BH corrected p-value"] < alpha] if len(sig) == 0: print("WARNING : No statistically significant enrichment, returning an empty dataframe and no plot is drawn.") return None # Remove unused columns and keep enriched rows warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) nz = csr_array(self.mat.loc[sig.index].sparse.to_coo()).sum(axis=0) >= 1 simplifiedMat = self.mat.loc[sig.index, nz].sparse.to_dense().values warnings.resetwarnings() clusters = cluster.graphClustering(simplifiedMat, metric, k=int(np.sqrt(len(sig))), r=resolution, snn=True, approx=False, restarts=10) sig.loc[:,"Cluster"] = clusters representatives = pd.Series(dict([(i, sig["Name"][sig[score][sig["Cluster"] == i].idxmax()]) for i in np.unique(sig["Cluster"])])) representatives = pd.Series([common.customwrap(r, 30) for r in representatives.values]) sig.loc[:,"Representative"] = representatives[sig["Cluster"]].values long_wrap = [common.customwrap(self.goMap[i], 30) for i in sig.index] short_wrap = [common.customwrap(self.goMap[i], 15, 5) for i in sig.index] sig.loc[:, "Name"] = long_wrap duplicate = sig["Representative"] == sig["Name"] sig.loc[:, "Name"] = np.where(duplicate, sig.loc[:, "Name"].values, short_wrap) sig.loc[duplicate, "Representative"] = "" if topK is not None: filtered = [] for r in representatives.unique(): filtered.append(sig[(sig["Representative"]==r)|(sig["Name"]==r)].sort_values(score, ascending=False).iloc[:topK]) filtered = pd.concat(filtered) else: filtered = sig fig = px.treemap(names=filtered["Name"], parents=filtered["Representative"], values=np.sqrt(np.sqrt(filtered[score])), width=800, height=800) fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t=2, l=2, r=2, b=2), font_size=20, font_family="Arial Black") if output is not None: fig.write_image(output) fig.write_html(output+".html") return sig[duplicate]
[docs] def gene_activity_matrix(self, dataset, extend=1000): """ Creates a gene-activity matrix, useful to quantify activity (e.g. ATAC or ChIP) for each gene. Sums the counts of peaks located over gene bodies. Parameters ---------- dataset : anndata The .var fields need to contain the "Chromosome", "Start" and "End" fields. extend : int How much to extend gene body in bp. Returns ------- gene_activity : anndata observations-genes activity matrix. Will also copy obs,obsm,obsp and uns fields of the original dataset. """ dataset.var["Id"] = np.arange(dataset.shape[1]) pairs = pr.PyRanges(self.geneRegulatory).join(pr.PyRanges(dataset.var[["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Id"]]), slack=extend).as_df()[["gene_name", "Id"]] unique_genes = pairs["gene_name"].unique() pairs["gene_name"], names = pd.factorize(pairs["gene_name"]) new_array = np.zeros((len(dataset), len(unique_genes)), dtype="int32") indices = list(zip(pairs["gene_name"], pairs["Id"])) for ig, ip in indices: new_array[:, ig] += dataset.X[:, ip] gene_activity = muffin.load.dataset_from_arrays(new_array, row_names=dataset.obs_names, col_names=names) gene_activity.obs = dataset.obs gene_activity.obsm = dataset.obsm gene_activity.obsp = dataset.obsp gene_activity.uns = dataset.uns return gene_activity
[docs] def tss_activity_matrix(self, dataset, extend=1000): """ Creates a gene tss-activity matrix, useful to quantify activity (e.g. ATAC or ChIP) for each gene. Sums the counts of peaks located over TSS. Parameters ---------- dataset : anndata The .var fields need to contain the "Chromosome", "Start" and "End" fields. extend : int How much to extend TSSs in bp. Returns ------- gene_activity : anndata observations-genes activity matrix. Will also copy obs,obsm,obsp and uns fields of the original dataset. """ dataset.var["Id"] = np.arange(dataset.shape[1]) pairs = pr.PyRanges(self.TSSs).join(pr.PyRanges(dataset.var[["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Id"]]), slack=extend).as_df()[["gene_name", "Id"]] unique_genes = pairs["gene_name"].unique() pairs["gene_name"], names = pd.factorize(pairs["gene_name"]) new_array = np.zeros((len(dataset), len(unique_genes)), dtype="int32") indices = list(zip(pairs["gene_name"], pairs["Id"])) for ig, ip in indices: new_array[:, ig] += dataset.X[:, ip] gene_activity = muffin.load.dataset_from_arrays(new_array, row_names=dataset.obs_names, col_names=names) gene_activity.obs = dataset.obs gene_activity.obsm = dataset.obsm gene_activity.obsp = dataset.obsp gene_activity.uns = dataset.uns return gene_activity