Source code for muffin.load

Functions to create a dataset from arrays or bam files.
import anndata as ad
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyranges as pr
from .utils import common
import warnings
import muffin

[docs] def dataset_from_arrays(count_table, row_names=None, col_names=None, input_count_table=None, random_loc_count_table=None, random_loc_input_table=None): """ Import count matrices from python array. Parameters ---------- count_table : integer ndarray (sample, genomic feature) RAW, NON NORMALIZED COUNT data. To save time and memory you can use an int32 format. row_annot : None or dict If set to None, will give an integer id to each row (1->n). If set to a dict, expects a dict of the form {annotation_name:annotations}, where annotations are ordered according to the count table. By default None. col_annot : None or dict If set to None, will give an integer id to each column (1->n). If set to a dict, expects a dict of the form {annotation_name:annotations}, where annotations are ordered according to the count table. By default None. input_count_table : integer or float ndarray or None, optional For sequencing data with input only ! (sample, genomic feature) Raw, non normalized input counts (int) or input with custom normalization. If your input counts are already normalized, you have to set input_already_normalized to True. To save time and memory you can use a 32bits format. By default None random_loc_count_table : integer ndarray, optional For sequencing data with input only ! Mandatory if your input count table is not already normalized. (sample, n_random_intervals) Raw, non normalized counts (int) sampled at random genomic intervals (preferably at least 5,000). To save time and memory you can use an int32 format. By default None random_loc_input_table : integer ndarray, optional For sequencing data with input only ! Mandatory if your input count table is not already normalized. (sample, n_random_intervals) Raw, non normalized counts (int) sampled at random genomic intervals (preferably at least 5,000). To save time and memory you can use an int32 format. By default None Returns ------- dataset : AnnData Annotated data matrix """ dataset = ad.AnnData(count_table) if row_names is None: dataset.obs_names = np.arange(len(count_table)).astype(str) else: dataset.obs_names = row_names.astype(str) if col_names is None: dataset.var_names = np.arange(count_table.shape[1]).astype(str) else: dataset.var_names = col_names.astype(str) if input_count_table is not None: dataset.layers["input"] = input_count_table dataset.uns["counts_random"] = random_loc_count_table dataset.uns["input_random"] = random_loc_input_table return dataset
[docs] def dataset_from_bam(bam_paths, genomic_regions=None, genomic_regions_path=None, row_names=None, col_names=None, featureCounts_params=None, isBEDannotation=True, input_bam_paths=None, n_random_input=10000, chromsizes=None): """ Initialize count matrices using BAM files and query random regions. Parameters ---------- bam_paths : str array-like Paths to BAM files. genomic_regions: pandas Dataframe Genomic annotation in bed format genomic_regions_path : str Path to a bed or SAF genome annotation file row_annot : None or dict, optional If set to None, will give file name to each row (1->n). If set to a dict, expects a dict of the form {annotation_name:annotations}, where annotations are ordered according to the BAM file order. By default None. col_annot : None or dict, optional If set to None, will give use the given genomic regions as annotations. If set to a dict, expects a dict of the form {annotation_name:annotations}, where annotations are ordered according to the genomic_regions_path. By default None. featureCounts_params : None or dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to featureCounts, see featureCounts R package documentation, by default None isBEDannotation : bool, optional If set to true assumes the genomic_regions_path is in .bed format with strand information otherwise, it assumes a SAF file (see featureCounts doc), by default True. input_bam_paths : str, optional For sequencing data with input only ! Paths to input BAM files, path order has to match the signal bam_paths. By default None. n_random_input : int, optional For sequencing data with input only ! Number of random regions to sample to estimate centering and scaling factors. By default 10000. chromsizes : dict or None, optional Mandatory for sequencing data with input ! Set of chromosome that will be used to generate random sampling locations. Dict with format : {"chr1":3000000, "chr2":456455412}. Returns ------- dataset _description_ """ try: import rpy2.robjects as ro from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri, pandas2ri from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr subread = importr("Rsubread") except: raise ImportError("""R or rsubread are not installed !\n On unix systems, use :\n conda install -c bioconda biocondutor-rsubread.\n On windows, install R then manually install rsubread within R. conda install -c conda-forge r""") common.createDir(muffin.params["temp_dir"]) # Append random regions to bed if input_bam_paths is not None: if chromsizes is None: raise ValueError("Missing chromosome size dictionary !") np.random.seed(42) randomRegions = pr.random(n=n_random_input, length=500, chromsizes=chromsizes, strand=False, int64=True).as_df() randomRegions.columns = ["Chr", "Start", "End"] randomRegions.insert(0, "GeneID", ["r"+str(i) for i in range(n_random_input)]) randomRegions.insert(3, "Strand", ["." for i in range(n_random_input)]) # Convert bed file to SAF if isBEDannotation: if genomic_regions is None: bedFile = pd.read_csv(genomic_regions_path, sep="\t", header=None) else: bedFile = genomic_regions ncols = bedFile.shape[1] if ncols >= 6: bedFile = bedFile.iloc[:, [0,1,2,5]] bedFile.insert(0, "GeneID", ["r"+str(i) for i in range(len(bedFile))]) bedFile.columns = ["GeneID", "Chr", "Start", "End", "Strand"] else: bedFile = bedFile.iloc[:, [0,1,2]] bedFile.columns = ["Chr", "Start", "End"] bedFile.insert(0, "GeneID", ["r"+str(i) for i in range(len(bedFile))]) bedFile.insert(3, "Strand", ["." for i in range(len(bedFile))]) bedFile.columns = ["GeneID", "Chr", "Start", "End", "Strand"] if col_names is None: col_names = np.arange(len(bedFile)) bedFile.loc[:, "GeneID"] = col_names if input_bam_paths is not None: bedFile = pd.concat([bedFile, randomRegions]) bedFile.to_csv(muffin.params["temp_dir"] + "/ann.saf", sep="\t", index=None) genomic_regions_path = muffin.params["temp_dir"] + "/ann.saf" else: if genomic_regions is not None: genomic_regions.to_csv(muffin.params["temp_dir"] + "/ann.saf", sep="\t", index=None) genomic_regions_path = muffin.params["temp_dir"] + "/ann.saf" paramsDict = {"files":ro.vectors.StrVector(bam_paths)} # Count reads over genomic regions paramsDict["annot.ext"] = genomic_regions_path if featureCounts_params is not None: paramsDict = dict(paramsDict, **featureCounts_params) # Sanitize arguments for rpy2 paramsDictRpy2 = {} for k in paramsDict: paramsDictRpy2[k.replace(".", "_")] = paramsDict[k] with localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter + numpy2ri.converter): res = subread.featureCounts(**paramsDictRpy2) mapping_stats = pd.DataFrame(res["stat"]).set_index("Status") if input_bam_paths is None: dataset = ad.AnnData(res["counts"].T.astype(np.int32)) else: dataset = ad.AnnData(res["counts"].T.astype(np.int32)[:, :-n_random_input]) dataset.uns["counts_random"] = res["counts"].T.astype(np.int32)[:, -n_random_input:] dataset.uns["tot_mapped_counts"] = mapping_stats.sum(axis=0).values # Same but for input files if input_bam_paths is not None: # Take care of the case where some files may share the same input # Which causes an issue with featureCounts unique_paths = list(set(input_bam_paths)) paramsDict = {"files":ro.vectors.StrVector(unique_paths)} if genomic_regions_path is not None: paramsDict["annot.ext"] = genomic_regions_path if featureCounts_params is not None: paramsDict = dict(paramsDict, **featureCounts_params) # Sanitize arguments for rpy2 paramsDictRpy2 = {} for k in paramsDict: paramsDictRpy2[k.replace(".", "_")] = paramsDict[k] with localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter + numpy2ri.converter): res = subread.featureCounts(**paramsDictRpy2) if len(unique_paths) != len(input_bam_paths): warnings.warn("Multiple files share the same input (this can be intended)") unique_counts = res["counts"].T.astype(np.int32) dataset.layers["input"] = np.zeros((len(input_bam_paths), unique_counts.shape[1]-n_random_input), dtype="int32") dataset.uns["input_random"] = np.zeros((len(input_bam_paths), n_random_input), dtype="int32") for i, val in enumerate(input_bam_paths): index = unique_paths.index(val) dataset.layers["input"][i,:] = unique_counts[index,:-n_random_input] dataset.uns["input_random"][i,:] = unique_counts[index, -n_random_input:] else: dataset.layers["input"] = res["counts"].T.astype(np.int32)[:, :-n_random_input] dataset.uns["input_random"] = res["counts"].T.astype(np.int32)[:, -n_random_input:] mapping_stats_input = pd.DataFrame(res["stat"]).set_index("Status") dataset.uns["tot_mapped_input"] = mapping_stats_input.sum(axis=0).values fracMapped = mapping_stats.loc["Assigned"]/dataset.uns["tot_mapped_counts"] fracMappedInput = mapping_stats_input.loc["Assigned"]/mapping_stats_input.sum(axis=0) dataset.obs["est_signal_to_noise"] = fracMapped.values/fracMappedInput.values # Annotate if row_names is None: dataset.obs_names = np.array([f.split("/")[-1] for f in bam_paths]) else: dataset.obs_names = row_names.astype(str) if col_names is None: dataset.var_names = np.arange(dataset.X.shape[1]).astype(str) else: dataset.var_names = col_names.astype(str) if input_bam_paths is not None: dataset.var[["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Strand"]] = bedFile.values[:-n_random_input, 1:] else: dataset.var[["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Strand"]] = bedFile.values[:, 1:] dataset.var[["Start", "End"]] = dataset.var[["Start", "End"]].astype("int") dataset.var["Chromosome"] = dataset.var["Chromosome"].astype("category") return dataset
[docs] def set_design_matrix(dataset, design="intercept"): """ Set design matrix for statistical modelling. If you do not want to remove any confounding factors, set it to a column vector of ones. E.g. : np.ones((model.dataset.layers["input"].shape[0],1)) Parameters ---------- design : ndarray or "intercept" Design matrix. If set to intercept will automatically set a column vector of ones. """ if type(design) is str: if design == "intercept": design = np.ones((len(dataset),1)) dataset.obsm["design"] = design
[docs] def set_size_factors(dataset, values): """ Load custom size factors for the model. Parameters ---------- values : float ndarray Size factors, e.g. np.sum(model.matrices["counts"], axis=1). They will be standardized to unit mean to ensure numerical stability when fitting models. """ dataset.obs["size_factors"] = (values.astype("float64") / np.mean(values.astype("float64"))).astype("float32")
[docs] def set_normalization_factors(dataset, normalization_factors): """ Load normalization factors from a numpy array Parameters ---------- dataset : _type_ _description_ normalization_factors : float ndarray (observations x variables) Normalization factors per observation, per variable """ dataset.obs["normalization_factors"] = normalization_factors